developers[]: Gordon Niessen

Twitter: GNiessen10

Here is what Gordon had to say about himself:

Started programming in high school with Fortran. I have done everything from Systems Administration and PC support, to Application consulting, Development Lead and Manager. But my preferred role is programming. I have worked in many different industries: Airlines, Chemical plants, Yield Accounting, Energy Scheduling and Trading, Military, Doors, and Medical Labs. Usually in a role where my versatility makes a difference.

What is your favorite programming language and why?

I enjoyed programming from the start, but the first programming I loved was Turbo Pascal 1.1. I went on to other programming as a career, but kept using Turbo Pascal for my own projects. When I heard of Delphi I wanted to use it, but the company I was working for had other plans. But I managed to used on and off from then on for side projects and my own utilities. And with other companies I have used it since Delphi 6.

What one piece of advice would you give to a rookie developer?

Be willing to try anything.

What is the most difficult programming challenge you’ve ever encountered?

I had to support a system that was written by 5 developers over a 5 year period, but none were around to ask questions. But I had to find them to get the source code.

What is your favorite open source project and why?

JVCL — The JEDI Visual Component Library

What would you say to the developer that was you five years ago?

Never stop looking for another job.

What one book should every software developer read?

When Harlie was One by David Gerrold.

What is the worst advice that you commonly hear given to developers?

Learn the most popular language.

Describe your favorite or most memorable “aha!” moment that you’ve had as a developer.

When I realized I could add a feature to a component, even if I didn’t have the source code.

What is one weird or unusual thing you always do when you code?

Lunge forward to keep a cat from walking across my laptop keyboard. I use an external keyboard and like to be back from the screen. And we foster a lot of cats. So there are usually a few that don’t know to stay of the keyboard. And I work from home.

What have you done as a developer of which you are most proud?

I named the scripting language for the application our company sold and supported: Finesse.

Bonus Question: What is the question and the answer to the one thing that I should have asked you?

Where do you start when you have to do something for the first time? Google, of course.