
developers[]: Gordon Niessen

Twitter: GNiessen10 Here is what Gordon had to say about himself: Started programming in high school with Fortran. I have done everything from Systems Administration and PC support, to Application consulting, Development Lead and Manager. But my preferred role is programming. I have worked in many different industries: Airlines, Chemical plants, Yield Accounting, Energy Scheduling…

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developers[]: Knut Johnson

Knut has been programming in Pascal since the 80’s, starting with UCSD Pascal and MT+ . He’s been using Turbo Pascal since Version 3 and has used almost all versions from Borland up until today. He’s interested in low level programming, operating systems, and compiler design. Twitter: @ Knujohn4 What is your favorite programming language…

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developers[]: Jim Fritchman

Jim is a close friend with whom I an honored to work. Here’s what he wrote as a biography: I am fortunate to have been building software for close to 30 years. In that time I have worked in many different industries including healthcare, golf courses, market research and finally ticketing and admission control for…

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developers[]: Ray Konopka

Ray Konopka is a long-time Delphi developer and author of numerous books and articles about Delphi. He’s also the author of the phenomenal CodeSite. I’ve known Ray for many years and am honored to call him my friend. Twitter: @RayKonopka What is your favorite programming language and why? Like most developers today, I am proficient…

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Welcome to developers[]!

Greetings Fellow Developers! Thanks for stopping by. This site is dedicated to the developers[] project — an attempt to gather up the coding wisdom of the best and brightest in the software development community. Want to participate and share your wisdom with the rest of the community? Fill out this survey here. If you are…

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